April 14, 1933 – A prominent German protestant clergyman… didn’t stand up to Hitler…


pp. 17-18

In a radio broadcast to the United States on April 4, 1933, the most prominent German Protestant clergyman, Berlin Bishop Otto Dibelius, justified the new regime’s actions, denying that there was any brutality even in the concentration camps and asserting that the boycott- which he called a reasonable defensive measure – took its course amid “calm and order.” His broadcast was no momentary aberration. A few days later Dibelius sent a confidential Easter message to all the pastors of his providence: “My dear Brethren! We all not only understand but are fully sympathetic to the recent motivations out of which the volkisch movement has emerged. Notwithstanding the evil sound that the term has frequently acquired, I have always considered myself an anti-Semite. One cannot ignore that Jewry has played a leading role in all the destructive manifestations of modern civilization.”

Today there are religious leaders a-plenty who are working overtime to normalize Trump. “We are making good progress,” they report. “Illegals” and “Muslims” are the bad guys that we must go after…

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